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Country of Justice

The Country of Justice is ruled by who is argued to be the strongest god of the Eight - God of Justice - Themis. The country is known for two things: the strict implementation of its law and justice to achieve absolute order, and its reputation as the leading country in Technology, second to the now fallen nation of Eos. The country has invented technologies that do not require any form of Mana but Steam, Water, Fire, Lightning, and Oil. The country has made its profit from selling their inventions to other countries, and have managed to improve their lifestyle and afford the luxury.

The country also invented the World Train which connects all countries, above water and skies. Pouvoir. is what used to connect all countries until the war. Sea Travel end and start at Pouvoir as well, being in the midst of all trade routes of the world. However, when the war started, travel became limited.

The country prides itself on its belief over Order. They find elegance and beauty over orderly acts. Anything else is frowned upon.

The country participates in the war as its most technologically advanced country. They are known for their advanced weaponry ahead of their time. They participate in the war to expand their territory and declare its supremacy onto the world. 

Inspiration: France, England

General Information


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  • Currency: Astra

  • Resources: Metal, Gears, Parts, Machinery, Robots, Automatons, Alchemical resources

  • The country does not have rich lands due to its constant gloomy weather and less than average soil. They make up for it with inventions and pioneering technologies.


  • Worships God of Justice, Themis

  • There are no strict religious practices and rules, only absolute obedience to the God of Justice. ​

  • The God of Justice only comes out of his castle on public trials and executions.

  • They do not have a church.

  • The military (knights) is considered warriors of the god. 

Magic & Technology

  • The country is abundant of the Lightning and Fire element, but the citizens depend on technology than magic.

  • Country have advanced technology of their time: (19th century) Steampunk. ​

  • Technology is used more than magic. 

  • Advanced technology ranging from ovens, lights, cameras, trains and more.


  • System of Government: Monarchy

  • The King is the God of Justice. 

  • The Pouvoir military consist of knights from all background. Knightlihood is considered an honor and a privilege only nobles can attain. Hence, most soldiers come from noble family. 

    • The commanders and generals of the military are personally appointed by the god. These commanders act as the god's counsil.

  • Only their god can create laws and legislations. His word is the law. 

  • All crimes are put in trial with the God of Justice as the judge. All guilty crimes are subject to imprisonment or execution.


  • The Country proper is surrounded by mountains. There is only one entrance and exit to the country. Most of the country is already modernized with concrete streets. Greeneries have become lesser.

  • Weather in the country is mostly cloudy if not rainy. 

  • Cities: 

  • Droit - Capital of the country

    • It is the entire land at the center of the nation.

    • The only declared city of the nation. Living in the city is very expensive with high taxes, but luxurious benefits, protection and return.

    • Knights scatter and patrol the streets 24/7

    • Roads are concrete, and buildings are modernized. 

    • Factories are located on north. Universities at the west.

    • The Great Castle located at the center. 

    • The areas outside of Droit are unnamed. Those who cannot afford to live in the capital city​ live in settlements outside of Droit. They are still being taxed by the nation.


  • Citizens: Mixed (All Races). 

  • Wild Animals are a rarity in the city. There are wild animals outside the city.

  • Monsters and any other magical beings have been swept outside the nation.


  • Fashion: Formal Wear [Pinterest Board]

  • Languages - Common Tongue​

  • Education

    • Education makes an important part in employment, but is an expensive luxury.

    • School is divided in three stages - Elementary, High School, and College. 

    • Elementary & High school teaches from General Education & Pauvoir History.

    • University focuses on Technology. 

    • School start at 4 years old and end at 22 years old.

  • Values

    • They value the Order more than anything else.

    • Most nobles in Pouvoir disliked craziness and randomness due to its disturbance to order. They are more akin to practices that have order.

    • Obedience to the law is a MUST for both citizens and the military. Disobedience is immediately punished by the military.

  • Common entertainment: Theater Plays, Orchestral Concerts, Debates, Gallery tours.

  • Arts: Realism

  • Music: Classical


  • Social classes defined by bloodline, occupation and relation to the Royal family. 

  • The social classes are as follows: King > Generals > Military > Nobles > Commonfolk

    • King - the God of Justice. 

    • Generals - Consists of the heads of the military

    • Military - Knights that maintain lawd and justice and fight in the war

    • Nobles - Families that have gained a favor with the god, and/or are related to people with relations with the god.

    • Commonfolk - Citizens

  • Knighthood is considered a noble's job, a job well sought out in the country for its privilege and rank in society. 

  • Pouvoir has an expensive lifestyle

    • Jobs in government, universities and banks earn more. People with these jobs are considered nobles.

    • Jobs in agriculture, factories, and trading earn less.

General Information

Pioneered by Pouvoir, the World Train outreaches all other countries coming from Pouvoir. It can drive through the sea and hover towards the sky. However, due to the war, tickets on the train is limited.

World Train
World Train

Home to the God of Justice, and the knights of Pouvoir. The Grand Palace also known for it's expensive build, its marble floors and walls.

Grand Palace
Grand Palace

Robotic creations that act and look like humans. Automatons roam around with limited instructions programmed into them and act as assistants to a variety of families in Pouvoir.

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