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In Astraea, there is Mana - the source of life and health. It is the basis of all life. When there is life, there is mana. Mana flows from the Lifestones in each country. Though mana is abundant in the world, only a few are born with an affinity to mana to do magic. Magic is the manipulation of mana to interfere with the laws of nature to project idea into reality.  

  • Magic is the process and the ability to manipulate Mana to do extraordinary feats. If there is no mana, Magic cannot be performed. 

  • Mana cannot be created by anything else, but it can be destroyed which is considered an unlawful act.

  • When using magic, certain biological features glow or change color for all races. 

    • Eye Color can change (but not size / pupil size)​

    • Hair Color can change (but not length)

    • Skin Color (Only where the magic is being performed. e.g. when invoking Fire Ball Hand, Hand skin color changes)










*Eos is the element of raw mana, able to synchronize any and all elements and adds the possibility to control mana itself of any elements. The element is unavailable for public use.

Types of Magic

With the discovery of mana, the world found ways and invented techniques to manipulate mana and perform magic. There are a number of Magic Types everyone can learn. All mortals begin with INVOCATION - the basic magic of invoking and manipulating. Other magic types require to learn from magic scrolls. The following are the known Magic Types of the world:


This type pertains to "creating element and energy, called up out of nothing". Examples of Invocation magic are summoning fire out of thin air, bending fire, and shooting fire balls to a direction. Invocation is purely elemental.


This type of magic focuses on the ability to change matter, even evolve it. Examples of Transmutation magic are the transformation of fire to plasma to radiation, or the transmutation of dirt to gold.


Method of transmutation, and items to transmute does not require elemental use.


Necromancy magic involve death, undeath, and the manipulation of negative life energy. Examples of necromancy are the summoning of the undead, and poison to life energy.


Method of necromancy does not require elemental use.

Conjuration / Summoning

Conjuration deals with creating objects and creatures, or making them disappear. Common skills of this type include but not limited to teleportation, summoning of non-sentient elemental beings. 


Summoning of existing beasts does not require elemental use. Addition of sentience onto material requires elemental use.

ing Magic

Healing magic manipulates mana to heal and purify given their element. Healing magic can be applied to a variety of effects including dispelling curses, curing illnesses, and healing wounds. 


Method of Healing requires elemental use.


Divination is the type of magic is focused on acquiring and revealing information. Examples of Divination includes Detect Magic, Identify and Read Magic, Clairvoyance.


Method of divination requires elemental use.


Enchantment is the type of magic that deals with the manipulation of the mental state of the target. Common skills include but not limited to hypnotism, illusions, and hallucinations. 


Method of Enchantment does not require elemental use.

Based from D&D Schools of Magic. 

Types of Magic

Each country has specific elements that are abundant depending on the Life stone in their nation. A child has affinity depending on their race. They cannot have elements that their race cannot do. 


Each country has existence of all elements, but some elements are more abundant than the other. These abundances make children to be born there more likely but not exclusively to have the affinity to these elements.

Race Affinity







Fire / Earth / Ice




​Wind / Lightning

Country Abundance (Elemental Theme of the Country)

Fire, Earth, Ice


Water, Wind


Wind, Lightning


Lightning, Fire


Plant, Water,

Fire, Wind, Ice

Ability Scores

A character have six abilities that provide a quick description of their physical and mental characteristics. Each ability have scores that define and describe their abilities. Each ability can only have a maximum of 20 points.

  • STRENGTH - How strong you are

  • CONSTITUTION - How strong your resistance and fortitude is

  • DEXTERITY - How fast your are

  • WISDOM - How perceptive you are

  • INTELLIGENCE - How (book) smarts you are

  • CHARISMA - How good you are with people

Merchant Ability Scores

Each merchant start with 50 ability scores + bonuses they are free to distribute however they like. Upon each rank up, they gain +4 ability scores.


NPC Ability Scores

Each NPC start with 72 ability scores + race bonus they are free to distribute however they like. NPC's do not rank up or level up anymore. 

Ability Scores Range

An ability score of 10 means you are average. Scores below 10 means below average with difficulties in the ability, and above 10 are above average and skilled in the ability. 


You may refer here for the range we will be using: [Reddit - D&D ability score ranges described]


Modifiers define how good they are given the ability score. These modifiers are mainly used when performing Ability Checks - dice rolling to see if an action is successful or not.

Ability Score
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Ability Scores

Skills are the abilities and expertise of a character with or without magic. Skills range from physical to magical abilities. A character can only have a limited number of skills which increase at every merchant rank. The effectiveness of skills depend on the ability score they are connected to.


A Merchant has two types of skills - General Skills are Merchant Skills. 

To learn more about Skills, go to SKILLS page.

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