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Historical Ruins
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The Country of War is ruled by the ruthless and merciless God of War - Sek-Duat in the desert country of Ah'maru. They got the reputation as the Country of War not only from their god but because from their numerous count of civil wars. Because of the country's bare lands and few accessible resources, cities have been warring with each other for the ownership of each other's lands. Ores, metals, weaponry, and armory is the country's top industry, creating the strongest and brutal weapons feared by all with the land's abundant minerals. 

Ah'maru is also the land of ruins, with pyramids and structures of ancient civilization found everywhere. Magic runes, records, texts, artifacts, and gold have been discovered. Many other more are speculated. 

The country prides itself on its belief over Power - only the winners of war can deserve power. Living in a constant war for power has transformed its people to be aggressive and ruthless as their god. 

With centuries of war as experience, the god of war trained and raised the most ruthless, merciless, and strongest army in the world. They are known for their brute physical strength to fight in the war and conquer other countries. They participate in the war to expand their territory and declare power over others.

Inspiration: Arabian, Egyptian, Aztec

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Country of War

Ah'maru Aesthetics

The Country of Eternal Warfare

Coming Soon

The God of War, Sek-Duat

The God of War, Sek-Duat, never shows their face to the public. They are known to be merciless, aggressive, and temperamental. When angered, disaster befalls the country. When pleased, victory upon conflicts and tribulations is ensured.

The Religion of War
  • The greatest value in the religion is the philosophy of power and victory.

    • Only the victors of conflicts are considered powerful.

    • Only the strong ones deserve the good things in life, and the losers deserve nothing but slavery.

  • Wars is treated as Sek-Duat's trial to their people.

  • The Sun is also worshipped, known to be the symbol of the god and the strongest thing in the world.

  • The dead are known to be stuck in Sek-Duat's temple until she deemed them worthy for resurrection back into their bodies.

The Practices of the religion

These are a few but not limited important practices in the religion: 

  • Pray to Sek-Duat every noon when the sun is at its peak, for blessing and gratitude. 

  • Sacrifices and tangible offerings is very important for blessings and protection against the god's wrath. 

  • Music and Dancing became an important part of the culture once it was known to have pleased the god

  • Deceased are mummified due to the belief they can be resurrected.

  • Accept challenges and dares, and win the fight. 

Fire & Earth

The country is abundant with Fire and Earth. Those that are born here have more changes to have Fire and Earth affinity.

Majority of the magic practiced in the country consist of raw invocation of the elements, and imbuing their elements onto the weapons. Common use of the magic is for combat, and recently, dancing.

Traditional, Pre-Electricity.

Country dislikes technology and are very traditional. They write in stone and tablets, and send messages in bottles. Though, their weaponries are top-quality among other nations for the power, strength and endurance.

Magic & Tech
Ores, Ingots Weapons, Armors, Artifacts, Runes, Ice

The country lacks moisture and rich soil to grow their own produce, but the country is abundant of caves rich with mineral deposits. Ice comes from the Icy area of the country.

Produces and even water are a demanded resources are costs costs twice the market place due to the demand. They who hold ownership over these resources hold power.

Monarchy - Pharoah

The Pharoah is appointed by the god. Only the Pharoah has contact with the god through their dreams and plays as the messenger of the god. They also do what the god wills. 

The Pharoah has a council of government official that offers him counsel. Each government official heads their own certain land and city in the country. Only the Pharoah can create the laws of the country, and also head the religion. 

Largest Military in the World

The Country has the largest military in the world trained rigorously to subdue and bring victory to the country. They not only boast in brute strength, but in war techniques.

The military acts not only as soldiers of the world war, but as protectors of the country from internal and external enemies. 

The military is trained by the God themselves in secluded military camps which have the reputation that can turn even the softest blob turned into the hardest stone. 


Children who are unemployed by the age of 16 are required to join the military. Adults who remain unemployed are required to join the military, or slavery.

Law and Punishment

Law is simple in the country. Everyone must pay uttter respect towards the Phaoroah and the God. Laws 

Coming Soon

Punishment to crime ranges from imprisonment, slavery, exile and execution depending on the degree of crime.

Humans, Beastfolks, Drakyns

Majority of the country consists of Humans, Beastsfolks, and Drakyns. 

  • Of the three major races in the country, the fewest are Drakyns. Most often, they are the first race that are enlisted into the military due to their strength.

  • Wild Animals are a common occurrence within cities. 

  • Monsters are a common occurrence in the wild which dwell in the sand and the sky. 

    • Stronger monsters are usually found in uninhabitted wastelands and larger ruins. ​

Lineage, Occupation, and Power

The society is divided and ranked by lineage, occupation and power. Those who own properties and assets important to the country are the strong ones, which are achieved through victory in war. 

The lowest in society are Slaves, which is legal in the country. These slaves are bought into households or are sent to construction sites to help build structures ordered by the Pharaoh. 

Crime rate in the country is very high due to limited resources and continuous warfare between cities. 

Dry Dirt Road
Power is everything

The main culture of the country is the pride of being powerful and strength. This is not only apparent to the couuntry's philosophy, personality, but also to fashion, shelters and structures. 


Fashion: Loose, Bejeweled with Gold, Lacey (Egyptian / Aztec) [Pinterest Board]


Hierogylphs (Native), Aravan (Arabic), and Common Tongue​


No educational system was ever formed. It was up to the children to find their own resources for learning. Most children learn from scholars that have travelled to Ah'maru for the ruins.


Ah'maru citizens are not only known for winning wars, but they are also known for their intrinsic skills to show off their power and/or appease their god. 

They are known to have made intricate jewelries, beautiful architecture, beautiful dances, music and arts.

  • Wrestling

  • Racing - Chariot or Sandsurfing

  • Music and dance

  • Ball and Board games

  • Courting is natural.

  • Arranged marriage is normal in Ah'maru

  • Men can have multiple wives but women cannot and only one


Ah'maru Topography

Ah'maru is the largest continent in the world, consisting of dry terrains, canyons, wastelands, volcanoes, and vast dunes.

  • The weather in the country is mostly sunny, and rain is a rare occurrence. 

  • There are only 2 seasons in the country, and two weather. 

    • Cold season which happens from October to January. In this season, temperature drops down most especially in the night which can be freezing. 

    • Hot season which happens from February to to September. In this season, temperature raises above average and can be brutal. 

  • The country has one long river running across the entire country that each city depends on for a source of water. This river has been fought over by centuries.

  • Ruins are scattered around the country covered in sand. Speculated to have more ruins hidden within the sand.


Capital of the Country, City of Gold and Power. 

  • Alnaar is located at the center of the nation, surrounded by tall clay walls.

  • The Temple of Sek-Duat, and most merchant trading happens in the capital country.

  • The main military headquarters is in the country as well.

  • Majority of those who live here are nobles, government officials, merchants, and anyone who can afford living. 




The Icy North.

  • Located north of the country, in the icy area. It is mostly of ice, snow and Tundras. 

  • Only a few inhibit the place due to the harsh cold weather.

  • Contains mostly ice and snow. In summer, they have longer days and in winter, have longer nights. 

  • At night, Aurora lights decorate the city.

  • The military often trains their resistance and endurance in this city. 


Mining City, treasure land.

  • Located south of the country, surrounded by canyons and dry mountains that are abundant with minerals and ore deposits.​

  • The city also has richer areas due to the volcanoes around. Farms are built in this city, relying for water given by the great Ah'maru river.

  • The city also has active volcanoes surrounding it. There are small puddles of water around the volcano enough for people to use as hot springs.




The Sea of Ruins. 

  • Located east of the country. ​

  • Most known for the number of ruins surrounding and underneath the city and its precious treasure hidden deep within.

  • Nearest city to the Red Ruins. 

  • Monsters are almost everywhere in the country. 

  • Travellers and mercenaries often go here for the monsters and the challenge. 

Other Cities

Aside from the large 4 cities, there are also other ones with their own lords and citizens. These cities obtain the name of the lord that rule them. 

Sand Dunes

The country of war has a number of beautiful and notable locations that make the country beautiful its people are proud to fight a millenia of wars for. Some of these locations are as follows:

Vast Deserts

The country has a vast desert that are not to be underestimated. Aside from the harsh climate, monsters as large as dragons roam the desert always hungry for prey. 

Despite the danger, the citizens also play by the sands bravely through sand surfing and ruin exploring.

Temple of Sek-Duat

A large structure in center of the capital of the country where citizens go to pray and worship for their ruling God. Offerings are held in this establishment as well.

The royal family also lives in the Temple.

Red Ruins

One ruin that stands out the most is the Great Red Ruins. 

It is the largest, most mysterious ruins, and most dangerous  in the world. Most of the runes the country uses were found in this ruin. The ruin goes deep up to 1000 km under ground. Each floor having monsters and traps.

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