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The Country of Storms is ruled by the heartless God of Storms. The country is known for its location on top of the richest area in the sea that have the largest reefs, school of rich and rare fish, aquatic gemstones and treasures  in the world. The country is an archipelago - having a number of islands within its borders. Transportation between islands is through swimming or boats. The country is also inhibited by the world's master of the seas - the merfolks. 

The country gets its reputation as the Country of Storms by having frequent storms, and its torrential seas that surround the country. Only the very skilled could navigate through and enter the country. Despite the storms, the country itself is the most colorful and culturally rich country in the world. Their respect to their culture in relation to the storm have produced colorful, lively and expressive music and arts.

The country participates in the war as its master of the sea warfare. Once the fight gets to the sea, they are almost invisible and untouchable. They participate in the war to expand it's territory, and to protect the ownership of the seas. 

Inspiration: Philippines (Pre and Post Colonial)

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Country of Storms

* Full Guide Coming Soon ...

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General Information
General Information


Coming Soon ​


  • Currency: Astra

  • Resources: Fish, Seafood, Ship & Sea Vessels, Pearls, Clams, Shells, Underwater resources
    The country is surrounded with coral reefs and fish patches rich with fish and magical under water resources.

  • Marilina is known for its indestructible sea vessels

  • Living in Marilina do not exactly excel. Their resources are limited to the capabilities of their islands and can barely survive with what limited resources they have.


  • Worships God of Sea - Miluda

  • The goddess resides in her temple. Very few eyes are able to lay their eyes on her. 

    • She speaks through her representative selected by herself​

  • Values:

    • The Sea is temperamental, so offerings are required in voyages​

    • Failure to please the goddess will cause catastrophic storms

Magic & Technology

  • The country is abundant in Water and Wind element. Those who were born here have have a high chance of having the affinity for Water and Wind.

  • The country is not too strict about magic and technology. Anyone can perform magic or bring in any technologies

  • Technology in the country isn't up to date, but only average and affordable. However, the country has exclusive underwater technology from the underwater ruins nearby. These underwater technology rivaled the other countries, but are exclusive for the merfolks. 


  • System of Government: Monarchy (Chiefdom)

    • The Queen - the Goddess herself

    • Representative - A merfolk selected by the goddess herself, to represent the goddess

    • Council (Chiefs) - Each city has their own chief which are commonly passed down by blood or by a trial of strength.

  • Law and Justice is democratic. The citizens of the country are able to submit laws. These laws are reviewed by the chiefs, and are discussed with the Queen. The Law can only be passed after being approved by the Queen.

  • Marilina military follow rigorous training that is said to rival the strength of the storms. They are trained strenuously to survive the wild nature of the oceans. 

  • Punishment for crimes is imprisonment and execution.

  • The Law favors the merfolks more than other races


  • Entire country is mostly made up of the water and small islands scattered across the territory. Whirlpools and stormy seas surround the country making entry to it difficult. 

  • The islands are mountainous surrounded with white sands on its shores.

  • The seas are rich with fish, coral reaf and natural aquatic resources. 

  • Houses are either made of straw or wood.​​

  • Cities: 

    • Syioceare - Capital of the Country

      • Main trading hub of the country & entrance to the island

      • There are more humans than merfolks

    • Alora 

      • The entire city is above the sea, and the land man-made afloat.

      • Known for being near the richest habitat of sea creatures and crustaceans

    • Fioggra - Mermaid Settlement

      • Farthest island from others. 

      • Exclusive for merfolks

      • Products solely for merfolk living.

    • Viatten - Faming capital​

      • Smallest city in Marilina. Nearby active volcanoes. 

      • Marilinan Jewelry are crafted and seld here. 

    • Corazon Island - the New Colonized Island ​

      • Colonized by the Corazons, a wealthy family of adventurers from Pouvoir​

      • After a battle between Themis and Miluda, the ownership of the island went to Marilina. The Corazons were escorted out of the country, but their technology and influence left in the island. 

      • The island cherishes music and dancing. Almost having a concert and celebration every night.

      • Now, this island is being rebuilt into their own unique culture. 
        (Inspiration: post-colonial Philippines) 


  • Citizens: Humans, Merfolks

  • Merfolks live almost anywhere in the country. Humans as well, excluding the Fioggra city.

  • Monsters are a common occurrence in the wild. There are land monsters and sea monsters on the country. 


  • Fashion:

    • Malay / Indigenous / Tribal clothing for Syioceare, Alora, Fioggra, and Viatten citizens

    • Spanish / Post-colonial Filipino for Corazon citizens

  • Languages - Mariliana (Malay, Native), Common Tongue​

  • Education

    • Education is informal. Arithmetics, Language and Literature are commonly taught by elders in the family. 

    • Most male sons of a family when they come of age enlist in the army and have become the country's tradition. Women are welcome, but are few in the military.

  • Values​

    • They value the Seas over anything else. They see the sea as an uncontrollable force not to mess with, and must be respected. 

    • They believe that the Sea is the greatest teacher of the world. The citizens imitated the storms into their culture. Dances, paintings, practices, and music were made to imitate the seas. Their arts were both colorful and expressive that truly captured the might of the storm.


  • Social classes defined by lineage and occupation.

  • There are only three social classes: Chief > Council > Soldiers > Commonfolk

    • Chief - the God of Storms. The Chief has appointed a representative to speak on her behalf.

    • Council - Personally appointed by the chief. Council consists of chiefs of each tribes in each city. 

    • Military - Soldiers of the country with the job to maintain law and protect the country

    • Commonfolk - Citizens


Scattered around Marilina are gigantic coral reefs of many colors underwater and on the surface. These coral reefs not only color the country but also protect them from storms.

Marilina Coral Reefs
Marilina Coral Reefs

The aquatic ecosystem of the country is the richest in the world. Exotic, unique, and beautiful aquatic creatures and plants, both magical and non-magical, are found in the seas of Marilina. Only a small percentage is known and researched.

Aquatic Ecosystem
Aquatic Ecosystem

Marilina is surrounded by monster infested seas, whirlpools, hurricanes and storms, and rocky terrain making it almost impossible to get in and out of the country. Only the skilled can navigate through. The country also makes out festivals to respect the sea, and sports in a proving of skill.

Marilinan Sea
Marilinan Sea
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