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Five Nations Trade

Merchant Guild

Joining the Merchant Guild
as a Merchant
Step 1

Pre-Membership Checklist

  1. Join the Discord Server (link provided to invitation / during public opening)

    • Make sure to pass the Security Check in the server to be given access to general channels​

  2. Reserve for your character in #reservations channel

  3. Make sure you have read up on the Lore and our Systems. 


If you have any questions, feel free to DM the mod/s!​

Step 1
Step 2

Race & Country

​Identify your [Race] and [Country]

  • Races are defined in [Races]

    • You are free to design your character outside of the standard, with distinct traits. You are not limited to what is defined. Example, A merfolk that already has feet, or Dryads that have Flower Wings. You are free to design as long as the main structure pertains to the race description.​

  • Countries are defined in [World of Astraea]

  • You are free to live anywhere, but please give consideration to the major inhabitants of each country. 

  • Please take note of the race limitations. Example, Merfolks would have great difficulty living in dry and hot areas. 

Step 2
Step 3

Magic, Stat and Skills

  1. Identify your [Magic Type] and [Magic Element].

    • Magic Types & Elements are defined in [Magic]

    • New characters can only have ONE element, and immediately have INVOCATION magic type.

      • All characters an only have ONE element forever. Choose wisely.

      • Other magic types can be learned upon membership through commissions.

  2. Identify your [General Skills]​

    • Aside from basic survival skills (swimming, cooking, etc), define skills your character can do outside of their business

    • Please be as specific as possible. Anything unstated or not falling under the general idea of the skill will be considered outside their skill. 

    • Limitations / Weaknesses are required in all skills

    • Workshopping of skills is open. Just reach out to any mods in the Discord Server.

  3. Identify your [Ability Scoresor Stats

    • A character have ability scores / stats that quantify their strengths, weakness and skills.

    • Ability Scores / Stats are defined in [Ability Scores]

    • These ability scores will be used to defining the success of an action during events.

    • Please keep in mind the group is not focused on combat. Though, we welcome you to design your character to be combat-ready, events will also focus on other talents. 

Step 3
Step 4

Merchant Information

  1. Identify your MERCHANT TYPE . Find out what types are there [here]​

  2. Identify your MERCHANT TRADE - this is the specific trade of your merchant depending on your Merchant Type. 

    • Example: Merchant Type is Apothecary

      Your trade could be Potion maker / Medicine Maker / Tea Maker / Fragrance Seller

    • As of now, only ONE unique Merchant Trade per country is allowed. 

  3. Identify your BUSINESS NAME. Provide the name of your shop / services.
    Give a small description of your business. What do they sell? What do they specialize in making? Any specific customers they cater to?


  4. Create your BUSINESS LOGO. What is your shop's logo? This is optional and can be added anytime after. 

  5. After you are accepted in the group, 
    You will be able to add PRODUCTS ( craftable items merchants sell ) to your inventory and sell them to the members or NPCs of the group. 
    These products require you to have merchant skills that enables you to craft them.


  6. Identify your MERCHANT SKILLS
    Your merchant skill is what will enable you to (OOC) create items or beasts in the group, and what directly helps your merchant in their business. In identifying your merchant skills, you must also identify what type of skill do they have, to understand what they can do in the group.
    A guide to define Merchant Skills is discussed here: [SKILLS[

Step 4
Step 5
Step 5


Setting: The world has been in a war for more than 17 years.​ There were two wars in that 17 years, and one year of peace in between. War is different for each country.

  • You are free to write how you interpret the war is for the country, as long as the group's baseline / written situation of the country is considered. 
    Example: The Country of War has been a warmonger country. You interpret that war in the country has been aggressive and merciless. You write your characters to be one of the merciless soldiers who soon became a merchant.

Merchant Purpose. Your character must be a merchant. 

  • There must be a reason defined on why and how your character became a merchant. Any reasons are welcome as long as it makes sense. 

    • Example: Family Business, Love for Money, Trades as a way of freedom​


  • You are free to be vague with your character's background upon application. We understand things can only be thought out after a period of time. 

  • You may lock your background. Please prepare a separate document to be provided to the mods upon application. 

    • We will allow locking a background but no story yet. But once you decide on what to put there, please notify us. ​

  • However, anything unstated in the background will be considered NON-CANON, but you can change your background in the future: 

    • Revamp of what is decided / Change of what exists requires purchase.

    • Large changes of the character's past will require Story Change purchase. 

    • Any other changes 

    • Any and all changes to background must be notified to the mods in #oc-help-desk

Role: Aside from being a merchant, you are free to write more about your character on what role they have in the world. They can be connected to royalty, be rich, be poor, be a priest. However, these roles / backgrounds must be notified to the mods first to make sure no ore is being broken.

Guide Questions: These questions require to be answered to pass application check.  

  • How is their childhood? How is their family like?

    • What were they like growing up?

  • How was living in their country?

    • How are they during the war?

    • What are the hardships they faced as a citizen during the war?

  • What magic do they have in birth?

    • How did they train their magic?

    • How did they gain and practice their current skills?

  • How and Why are they become a merchant?

    • Why did they choose their trade?

    • How did their trade affect their OCs?

    • What are the hardships they faced as a merchant during the war?

    • What are the reasons they joined the guild? 

      • ​Suggestions: 

        • They are being targeted by enemy soldiers.​

        • They are being terrorized by an abusive government official

        • They cannot travel outside the country

        • Small influx of money

Background Points
Step 6
Step 6

Application Template

Once you're good with the details, time to put them into our template. You must accomplish both VISUAL and WRITTEN templates for your character. 


Visual Application Notes:

  • You are free to have your application commissioned (with proper credits).
    But please keep in mind, commissions arts are not pointed. 

  • You may not change colors, but you may add any other decorations.



Written Application Notes:

  • You are free to write your written application to whatever public site
  • You are free to lock parts of your character (except for Stats & Skills). However, answers to Background information guide questions must be publicized. You may mask your answer to something simpler if you wish to hide the information. 

  • On first application, skills are not required. You may update it after application. You are given the chance to try out skills for your character and find what fits you.

  • Please be very sure of your character's past before submitting your application. 

    • Once accepted, you are free to change personality, design, talents, skills moving forward, as long as the change is notified to the mods. No review needed.​

    • Once accepted, you are not free to change your character's past anymore. 


Visual Application

Character Creation 101

Character Creation 101

Written Application
  • Name: (What's your Merchant's name? First Name, Last Name)​

  • Age: (Human Years. Minimum of 16 Years Old )

    • Every non-human follows human growth (Childhood >Puberty > Adulthood)

    • It is the author's choice to follow complexion based from human age, or look younger / older than their age.

  • Birthday:​ (Month and Day.

    • IC, we are following our very own [Astraea Calendar]

    • OOC, we are following Gregorian (January - December), so specify the Gregorian equivalent. 

    • Example: June 1 (Summer 11)​​

  • Gender: (What do they identify as?)

  • Pronouns: (What do they wish to be called as?)

  • Race: (What is their Race? Humans/Dryads/Beastfolks/Merfolks/Drakyn/Sylphs)

  • Birthplace: (Where did they get born?)

  • Resident place: (What country are they currently living? Specify City.)

  • Merchant Information

    • Type: ​(What is their Merchant Type?)

    • Trade: (What specific trade do they do? What items do they sell?)

    • Business Name: (What is the name of their business / shop)

    • Business Description: (What is the nature of their business)

    • Shop Logo: (Optional. Include URL) 


  • Magic Information​

    • Type: (What is their Magic Type? New Members can have 1.)

    • Element: (What is their Element Affinity? Can only have 1 element)

    • Stats: (New Members get 50 + Race Bonus + Trade Bonus) 

      • STR​: XX/20

      • CONS: XX/20

      • DEX: XX/20

      • WIS: XX/20

      • INT: XX/20

      • CHR: XX/20

    • Skills: (New Members get 2 General Skills, and 1 Merchant Skill)
      (Make sure you have read "Skills" for a guide on how to define skills)​

      • ​General Skills​
        • Skill #1 - (Skill Name) | (Magic Type) 

          • Description: (Skill Description. What does the skill do?) 

          • Limitations/Weaknesses: (What are the limitations and weaknesses? )

        • Skill #1 - (Skill Name) | (Magic Type) 

          • Description: (Skill Description. What does the skill do?) 

          • Limitations/Weaknesses: (What are the limitations and weaknesses? )

      • Merchant Skills (Required)

        • Skill #1 - (Skill Name) | (Merchant Skill Type)

          • Description: (Skill Description. What does the skill do?) 

          • Limitations/Weaknesses: (What are the limitations and weaknesses? )


  • Merchant Skills are required as a skill but not General Skills.

  • General Skills can be later added anytime after you get accepted.

  • Please note that if you don't define the skills, you can't RP these skills. 


  • Personal Information​

    • Personality: (Provide 3 Positive, and 3 Negative. Bullet or Paragraph)​

    • Likes: (At least 3 likes)

    • Dislikes: (At least 3 dislikes)

    • Design: 

      • (Discuss the design and any notable marks of the character.)​

      • (Discuss specific race traits of your characters. Example: Flower cheeks)

    • History / Background: 

      • (Please follow Background guide above)​

  • RP Information

    • Timezone: (What is your timezone?)​

    • Method: (What method of RP do you prefer? Script/Lit/Para/HC/etc?)

    • Platform: (Where do you prefer to RP? Discord? Notes? Forums? DMs?)


Step 7
Step 7

Submit your Application

Once you're done with your application, you may submit your application to our Discord Server, in the channel #applications. 

Please be patient while the mods review your application. You will be notified of any comments and the status of your application. If accepted, you will be given the role of @Merchants, and your character will be added into the database.



  1. You may submit applications only ONCE in #applications

  2. For simple inquiries about applications, or an app-check (a non-final checking), you may submit a request in #oc-help-desk

© 2021 by sousouji @ deviantart

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