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Country of Peace

*Full Guide Coming Soon


The Country of Peace is ruled by the most revered God of Peace - Sor. The country is not only known for its reverence to their religion and its expertise in mana and magic but for its solidarity against the other countries by floating in the sky hidden within thick magical clouds that turn away any who come in and out. The country has abundant natural resources but never exports them and uses them for their own. The country's most known industry is magic. They have invented magical technologies, books, and manuals of magic. They are also abundant with magical resources such as magical crystals, flowers, creatures. 

Religion is an important culture in the country, and compliance with it is mandatory. The government and religion are one force. Their religion's most important belief is the pursuit of Peace through isolation from external forces. Modern technology and books are abhorred by the people. The country's culture has made its people a calm population.

The country once participated in the world war. But in the midst of it, the country has declared neutrality against other countries. Kazema can only defend itself against invasions and attacks from the other rivaling country. 

Inspiration: Japanese

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General Information


Coming Soon ​


  • Currency: Astra

  • Resources: Magic Books, Scrolls, Books, Magic Tech, Magic Mounts & Pets, Magic Crystals
    The country is most abundant of magic deposits. The country's religion requires them expertise towards magic which has resulted to invention of technologies and books for magic.


  • Worships God of Peace, Kara

  • Everyone is free to be part of the religion or not. However, everyone in the land MUST follow strict religious practices. Disrespect to the religion is not permitted.

  • Values:

    • Peace is achieved in two ways: Isolation from external forces, and Harmony with natural forces. 

    • Spirits exist are must be respected
    • Mana is divine and must be respected​​
    • Wind and Lightning are the most divine element - Wind that peacefully touches everything, and lightning that enrages to end everything.

      • Flying is considered a ritual​

  • The Empress / God does not show herself to the public, only to selected few. She controls many copies of wooden puppets she can control everywhere that she uses to communicate with the public leaders.

  • Priest and Shrine Maidens practice and head their religion. They also hold ceremonies and rituals.

Magic & Technology

  • The country is abundant of Wind and Lightning element. Those who were born here are more likely to have affinity with Wind and Lightning.

  • Country does not accept outside technologies. Usage of foreign technologies are forbidden. 

  • In terms of normal technology, Kazema does not have the latest and advanced as Pouvoir.

  • In terms of magical techniques, Kazema rivals the capabilities of Pouvoir's technology


  • System of Government: Feudalism / Emperialism

    • The Empress - the Leader of the state and religion. Occupied by the god.

    • Shogun - the Leader of the military. Answers directly to the Empress.

    • Lords - Owners of lands 

    • Samurais - Protectors of the lords, and soldiers of the military

  • Law and Justice created only by the Empress and Shogun.

  • Punishment for crimes is reconditioning, and execution.

  • Despite it's neutrality and isolation from war, Kazema still has an active military

    • The military consist of Samurais who have earned the trust of the lords​

    • Enlistment of the military can be voluntarily or referral from the lords

    • Running away from militia duties is considered a capital crime and a threat to the country's peace, and are punished immediately.

    • Law and Justice are exercised and maintained by the samurais. Trials do not require to be performed. 

  • Kazema's religion also act as an executive in the country. ​

    • Priests and Shrine Maidens are considered to be messengers of the god and closest to her. ​


  • Entire country is floating in the sky just above the clouds. The country is surrounded by thick magical clouds that turns around anyone who comes in and out. The clouds were created by the God of Peace.

    • Only allowed entrance is through World Train

  • The country is forest covered and mountainous. At the foot of the mountainous are the lands Lords own. ​​

  • Prefectures:

    • Kita Prefecture - Dragon state​
      • Located north of Kazema

      • Most inhabitants are Drakyns.

      • The place is mountains, with high mountains almost reaching Mt. Arashi. Dragons live within caves by the mountains.

      • Known for being the place for convents, temples and ruins of old civilizations. It is a religious area that worships not only the goddess but also the spirits and the ancestors of the country.

    • Nishi Prefecture - Capital State

      • Located west of Kazema

      • Less trees, more buildings and concrete rocks.

      • Shogunate castle is located at end of the city

      • World Train entrance

    • Azuma Prefecture - Spirit state​​

      • Located east south of Kazema

      • In the middle of the state is a legendary forest that is said to be home of all different kinds of Yokai and spirits, open only to a selective few.

      • Known to be rich of spirits and magical creatures.

    • Minami Prefecture - Farming State

      • Located south of Kazema
      • Have numerous vast farms extending until the mountains of the country. 

      • Known for its top quality local vegetables and fruits. 

      • There are also a lot of Magical ore deposits and resources.

    • Ichikawa Prefecture - Nature state

      • Located north of Nishi prefecture.

      • Recently declared a prefecture.

      • Known for its beautiful sceneries during the spring and winter, and for its top quality meat, milk and textile products.

      • Holds one of the biggest winter festival in Kazema

    • Mt Arashi - the tallest mountain the country

      •  Located at the center of the country.

      • At the top is the tallest shrine, and the largest Cherry Bossom tree.

      • The lifestone and the God resides there.

      • Most priests and shrine maidens live here


  • Citizens: Humans, Sylphs, Drogons. 

  • Wild Animals are a common occurrence within cities

  • Monsters are a common occurrence in the wild. Most monsters camouflage and fly.

  • There are recorded 5 dragons that reside in Kita. Dragons are considered to be the god's divine beasts. Dragons are tamed by the priest and shrine maidens. They are known to have gobbled up mortals.

  • There is an equal number of Sylphs and Drakyns in the country.

    • Most Sylphs have religious occupations​

    • Most Drakyns have scholarly occupations


  • Fashion: Japanese. Layered and Textured [Pinterest Board]

  • Languages - Kazeman (Japanese, Native), Common Tongue

  • Education

    • Education is informal, in a classroom setting. Teachers aren't a recognized job in the country. Informal education teaches general education, basic arithmetic, history & literature

    • Country focuses more on magic and have established Schools of Magic.

  • Values

    • They value the Peace over anything else. 

    • Kazeman local music and art is considered instruments of peace and are respectfully practiced


  • Social classes defined by occupation and relationship.

  • There are only five social classes: Empress > Shogun > Lords > Samurais > Common

    • Empress - God of Peace

    • Shogun - Appointed by the God of Peace. Leader of the military. 

    • Lords - Owners of lands close with the Shogun. 

    • Priests and Maidens - Considered as messengers of the god herself.

    • Samurais & the Military  - Warriors protecting the Lords and Shogun. They are also the soldiers of the military.

    • Common - Citizens.

General Information

At the top of Mt. Arashi lies the largest immortal Sakura Tree which is the foundation of the country. The Sakura Tree is growing from the lifestone in its roots.

The Great Sakura Tree
The Great Sakura Tree

At the center of the floating country lies the tallest mountain - Mt. Arashi. The Great Shrine and Sakura Tree lies on the top. The mountain is perilous having perilous trek and thin air.

Mt Arashi
Mt Arashi

Yokais exist in the country. They are the unique monsters and ghosts that live in Kazema. Some are dangerous, some are harmless, and some are useful. They are respected and treated as part of the Kazeman culture. A lot of them can be seen in Azuma city.

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